... our iconography project continues...
Iconography and the new Main Altar
The extensive job of preparing our new main Altar is completed! The Altar was blessed by our Eparch Bishop Most Rev. Stephen Chmilar and has been moved to it’s proper place in the sanctuary. Meanwhile, our iconography project continues with the installation of the new icons of the Pochayevska and Goshevska Mother of God, and the starting of the large icon of the “Descent of the Holy Spirit”. We ar most grateful to those who sponsored the icon of the Pochayevska Mother of God, and turn to you, our parishioners
to help sponsor our new Altar and ongoing iconography.
Anyone who wishes to sponsor an icon
please contact our Pastor the Rt. Rev. Roman Pankiw or our parish office.
We thank you in advance and may God bless us all!

On June 19th we celebrated 25 years of priesthood of our pastor Rt. Rev. Dr. Roman Pankiw, who was ordained on the 6th of July 1986, with a Gala banquet in our parish hall. From the banquet proceeds, the Right Rev. Roman Pankiw is donating the icon "Good Shepherd", as part of our continued iconography project, which will be painted and installed in the sanctuary of St. Marys’ Dormition Church in blessed memory of his parents Yuriy and Olena Pankiw.
Dear Right Reverend Pankiw, May God bless you with Many Happy and Blessed years to come in your continued service in Christ’s Vineyard!

Encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman, and Jesus finding Zacchaeus.

Communion of the Apostles

Christ Calms of the Storm on the Sea of Galilee

Introduction of Adam and Eve

Icon of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God

Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

Peace be with you

The feeding of the 5000